hi everybody....
it is January 2010...and tomorrow is the first class of winter 2010 study terms...how i had this moments right now...because normally i think of the best possibility of what going to happen on the first day...ever since i was in schools...the night before the first day of class... i always think for myself that everything will be good like...i will meet a cute girl in class or the teacher will be super sporty or the guys held a party on the first day of class....unfortunately none of it ever happen (maybe the teacher being sporty kinda happen) but life do not work that way...i'm kinda like
JD in
Scrubs but reality kicks me in the butt...so this term...i ain't hoping for anything...the only thing i'm gonna hope for is that the books is cheaper than last term...please let it be cheaper...anyway....since this is the first post before the term start and probably the last post before the term ended....i'm gonna tell you what i will learn this term...
first of all:
1. PHYS 2202: Wave Motion and Optic->not looking forward for it...my last term physics teacher actually told us that this one gonna boring...hooray...
2. ELEC2507: Electronics 1->not quite sure that i should be excited or not...but the name is electronic...and i am excited about electronic since i was 5 years old...(there once a computer that i open up when i was five and i pull everything out...the computer never had a chance)...hehe
3 ELEC2607: Switching Circuits->i don't know either...i must be kinda related with electronics...i guess...
4. MATH3507: Mathematical Method-> seriously have no idea what the heck is this course about...we just have to wait and see...
5. SYSC2004: Software Development-> again...i don't know a thing about the course...probably making software but i don't know...but i hope it will only use C++ cuz i'm comfortable with that language....
so...these are all the courses that i'll be taking this term...sound hard...i don't know...maybe...all i can say is i wish it go fast cuz once this term ends...i have 2 more years before i graduate...but still i think studying does not suck as much as working...i think...only my thought...don't have to prove me wrong...anyway...till anytime that i am not busy and not to tired from study...i'll write again....
p/s: i went no where this winter break...sorry to Syazwan Sulaiman cuz i lied about going to NB...had it in my head but not in my feet...so so sorry....and no new picture....but don't worry...since boxing day...so many people bought their own camera....
Bye Bye old books...you will be on my shelf and will never be open again....